In honor of the month we celebrate love (Munay), it seems fitting that I would kick off my blog with something I initially wrote back in July of 2023, because, here’s to celebrating love every day of the year!!!
Last week, I had a skin cancer lesion removed from the top of my chest (it was small & I am fine). The Dr was apologetic about the scar I will have at an ‘inconvenient location’ and brought it up a few times. I explained to her that I am not so concerned about scars. None of us will survive life without them and, in my opinion, I believe that beauty lives in imperfection. While she stitched me up, I told her about Kintsugi, the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold.
I’ve been thinking a lot about this conversation in the days since. My physical wound, the emotional ones behind it, the scar it will become and the location – right at my heart chakra. All of us will have our hearts broken at some point in our lives, probably several times and for many different reasons. That is something none of us will escape. And although those scars are probably the most painful, they are unable to be seen with our physical eyes.
While I sat with these thoughts, contemplating where the beauty is in heart break, it became very clear to me. If after such heart break, such deep despair – if we can keep our hearts open to love and not become bitter and hard and closed off to it all- but truly live with a heart open to love – we are given the best gift of all! An increased capacity for love!!!
If we can keep ourselves from putting up walls of anger, resentment, bitterness and fear around our broken hearts and instead use grace, forgiveness and understanding to repair the broken pieces: we will be blessed with the ability to hold more love, receive more love and give more love away! THAT is true beauty!!
Blessings & Big Love,