One of my resolutions this year, was to learn about herbalism.🌿 I decided to devote each month to learning about the healing properties of a specific herb that grows in my garden at home.
As I was focused on big events this month, like my child’s graduation🎓, I struggled to complete a blog entry worthy of posting. I thought I would share some of the information I collected about a common herb you probably have in your own pantry. I hope you find this as helpful as I did!
💗Many Blessings & Big Love💗
🌿Oregano Uses & Benefits
-According to Greek mythology Aphrodite created oregano as a symbol of happiness & joy! The name comes from the Greek words “oros,” meaning mountain, and “ganos,” meaning joy. 🌱
🌿Medicinal Qualities of Oregano:
Don’t use if you are pregnant or nursing! As it is known to affect hormone levels. May cause miscarriages when taken in large quantities
Might increase bleeding – stop taking 2 weeks before surgery
In the mint family and take care when using! Can cause an allergic reaction, skin rash, & upset tummy. Always do patch test first when applying to skin!
***I am not a medical professional- do your own research! Take at your own risk! All information needs further scientific research.
Some evidence to suggest it may be:
• Antibacterial – inhibits bacterial growth
• Anti-inflammatory
• Anti-carcinogen
• Antioxidant
• Anti-fungal
• Might reduce coughs – can bring relief to acute bronchitis and pneumonia
• Might help with digestion, and fight against bacteria & viruses
• Might reduce ldl cholesterol
• Can kill parasites that live in the gut (taken for 6 weeks)
• Soothe skin irritation
• Wound healing
• Parasite infections
• Might lower blood sugar
• May curb yeast infections
• Might aid in weight loss
• Can also help with:
• Asthma
• cramping
• Diarrhea
• Indigestion
• colds
• to boost overall health
• Fight against cancer
Apply to skin to help with:
• Skin sores
• Acne
• athlete’s foot
• Dandruff
• canker sores, toothache, and gum disease
• Warts
• wounds
• Ringworm
• Rosacea
• Psoriasis
• insect bites and as an insect repellant
• muscle and joint pain
• Varicose veins
🌿Oil of Oregano recipe:
Add several tablespoons of dried, chopped or crushed Oregano to clean, sanitized mason jar. Completely cover herbs with organic, extra virgin olive oil. Should be almost equal parts, but make sure oregano is completely submerged in oil and tighten lid. Boil enough water to cover 3/4 of jar standing up. Turn stove off and place mason jar in pot for 10 minutes. Dry jar and place in sunny window sill for 2 weeks, shaking jar well every other day. Strain with cheese cloth and store in a dark cupboard or fridge. Will keep for several months, even up to a year in fridge.
*For topical application, 1-2 drops of oil of oregano is to be mixed with a 1 tsp of carrier oil (such as coconut oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil)
🌿Tummy Tea
Ease menstrual pain, bloating, or GI discomfort with this pain- and anxiety-relieving beverage. Boil 2 cups water, then add 2 tsp dried chamomile flower buds and let steep 20 min. Strain, then add 1 to 2 drops oil of oregano(recipe above) and 1 tsp honey. Optional: Add a curl of orange peel for flavor. Drink up to 3 times a day.
🌿Skin Soother
Use this decoction (a concentrated herbal preparation) to calm irritated skin. Combine 2 Tbsp dried oregano or 4 Tbsp fresh oregano leaves and 2 ½ cups water. Let boil 10 min., then let sit on low heat 10 min. Strain and add 2 to 3 drops rose essential oil. Saturate a cotton cloth with the tincture and press on an itchy, irritated area for 20 min.; don’t rinse off. Use several times a day as needed.
🌿Anti-inflammatory Face Compress
Relieve rosacea or an overheated face with this compress, which contains rosmarinic and caffeic acids for anti-inflammatory effects. Add 2 Tbsp dried oregano to 2 ½ cups boiling water and boil for 5 min. Let cool, then refrigerate for 15 min. Saturate a soft cloth, then pat face for 5 min. (rewetting cloth often), wait 5 min., then wash face. Store leftover in lidded glass jar in refrigerator for up to 3 days. Use every day for several weeks.
🌿Massage Oil
Use this to massage achy muscles or on your chest to relieve upper respiratory congestion. Place in a lidded glass jar and shake together 12 drops oregano oil (recipe above) and 2 Tbsp carrier oil, such as almond, olive, or coconut oil. Massage a small amount into muscle or chest until absorbed. Use 2 to 3 times per day for up to 3 days.
🌿Cough-Relieving Tea
Soothe a mild cough or tickle with this tea. Add 2 Tbsp dried or ½ cup fresh oregano and 1 to 2 peeled garlic cloves to 2 cups boiling water. Let the mixture boil for 5 min. and strain. Add 2 tsp honey and a squeeze of lemon, stir and sip slowly, finishing in about 5 min. If your cough is productive, add 2 drops oregano oil (recipe above) to boost the active ingredients.
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