Back in 2014, I was involved in a small group women’s bible study. Very small. Just a few of my coworkers from Disney and I, were doing a Beth Moore series on women in the Bible. At the time, we were studying up on Esther specifically. (Long story short: Esther had to be very brave and do something potentially life-threatening, so she asked her people to pray and fast with her. In the end, because Esther did what she could, lives were saved and everything worked out perfectly!) We decided to follow her lead, and organized a day of prayer and fasting to take place on All Saints Day, November 1st. I still have the little button I wore that day: ‘SDWSC’ (She Did What She Could). Simple. Easy. Effective!!?

As the day approached, I was led to ask my group to pray especially for North Korea. I don’t know why. Maybe it was in the news a lot at that time? I’m not sure, but fast and pray we did! Just days later – on November 8th, 2014 – Kenneth Bae, a Christian missionary who was being held prisoner in North Korea, was suddenly – and surprisingly – released! Now, I’m not saying that our little group had anything to do with that, but let’s just pretend for a minute though, that we did. Even if it’s only a 0.00000001% chance, would you take it??

Last month, on March 18th (2024), I was given a pretty profound vision. I can’t stop thinking about it, and that usually means Spirit needs me to share it. The words you read might seem a bit alarming, but I think it’s important for you to know that the feeling I felt at the time I received the message- was overwhelmingly reassuring and good. Please keep that in mind as you continue.

The Blessed Mother- who just radiates compassion- came to me in a vision and brought with her a very pregnant Mother Earth goddess. I was made to understand that the labor pains would be starting very soon. On the other side of this though, a beautiful golden ripple of energy carried throughout the earth! Mother Earth will give birth to something beautiful!!

Ask any mother, and she’ll be the first one to tell you that labor is painful, messy, and quite possibly the hardest thing she has ever done! But oh! the results are more than worth it: a love she didn’t even know was possible!! We might be headed for some hard times here on earth -sooner rather than later- but I think it’s really important to know that beauty and love and peace will prevail.

People like you and I, are here to hold the light and the love more than ever in dark times. And also maybe to remind others that the dawn always follows, even the darkest of nights. (I’m reminded of one of my favorite verses from the Bible: “A light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it.”)

But what if there was something more we could do though? Even if it is only a 0.00000001% chance, isn’t it worth trying?

I’d like to invite you to join me every Sunday night at 9pm EST, for a few minutes of prayer, meditation, good thoughts, and/or positive vibes – focusing specifically on sending peace, love and healing to the Earth. (Trust me, she knows where it is needed most and how to direct it from there). You don’t have to fast and it doesn’t have to be an hour long session or a big commitment. Just contribute what you can, when you can, from wherever you are! No internet connection needed. If you forget, or are late, or even if a different time works better for you – that’s fine too! This is a ‘no pressure allowed’, contribute what you can, weekly event!! Set a recurring reminder on your phone now & invite anyone you can think of to join in!

SDWSC: even just one person doing what he or she can – can accomplish so much!!! But something truly magical happens when more and more people unite and focus their loving energy and intentions on the same thing at the same time.

TDWTC: They Did What They Could. Imagine what we will accomplish working together!!




2 responses to “TDWTC”

  1. Yaya Avatar

    You are a magical and inspirational human!
    I will take your invite and be better for it, and even if 0% chance ….zero is still a number that holds value 🙂

    1. Amanda Avatar

      Thank you!!! 💗

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